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Discover tips and tricks for researching the history of your house.

Are you curious about your house’s history? You may know when it was built, but do you know who lived there before you? Maybe you have wondered what changes have been made to it over the years, or what was located around it when it was new.

This is a 2-part class with time in between to do homework. In the first session, house detective Kathy Kullberg will introduce tools and methods for researching the history of your house. In the second session, participants will share what they’ve found. HHM staff will share additional resources from our archives. We will also discuss the place of your house and neighborhood in the history of racial segregation in Hennepin County.

Session 1: January 12, 6-8 p.m.

Session 2: January 26, 6-8 p.m.

The class will be held on Zoom. You will receive the link upon registration. Please register for each person who will attend the class, even if they are in the same household.

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